“Peacemaker” Disaster

                                              29 FEBRUARY 1844                                        “PEACEMAKER” DISASTER A series of advancements were made in naval gunnery in the decades before the Civil War.  The commonly used material for gun construction at the time was wrought iron, being cheaper and more readily available than Read More

Airplane on a Submarine

                                            100th ANNIVERSARY                                               5 NOVEMBER 1923                                     AIRPLANE ON A SUBMARINE Several 20th century navies experimented with the deployment of aircraft from a submarine, but the Japanese are perhaps the best remembered.  They successfully operated combat aircraft from their I-class submarines–famously launching Read More

USS DECATUR vs. The Indians

                                            27-28 OCTOBER 1855                                       USS DECATUR vs. The Indians The Oregon Treaty with England in 1846 deeded that portion of British Columbia south of the 49th parallel to the United States–the area that would become our States of Washington and Oregon. Settlers Read More