“My Post is Here!”

                                               2 FEBRUARY 1800                                              “MY POST IS HERE!” We remember 1787 as the year our founding fathers finalized our Constitution and sent it to the States for ratification.  Elsewhere that same year, a son was born to a prominent New Yorker, James Read More

The BALTIMORE Incident (cont.)

                        16 NOVEMBER 1798                  THE BALTIMORE INCIDENT (cont.) As CAPT Isaac Philips approached Cuban waters a squadron of warships flying Spanish colors was sighted on the horizon.  They shifted to British colors and bore down on USS BALTIMORE, 20, and the nine Read More

The BALTIMORE Incident

                        16 NOVEMBER 1798                      THE BALTIMORE INCIDENT For five months the US Navy had been patrolling, President John Adams having ordered the protection of American shipping from French privateers during a brush with that nation known today as the “Quasi-War.”  October found Read More