Operation “Deliberate Force”

                                  30 AUGUST-20 SEPTEMBER 1995                                 OPERATION “DELIBERATE FORCE” The Balkan cease fire brokered by former President Jimmy Carter in 1994 had failed.  United Nations’ efforts at peacekeeping in the war-torn former Yugoslavian republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina had given way to NATO and its Read More

The Trouble in Bosnia

                                                  1992-PRESENT                                         THE TROUBLE IN BOSNIA Bosnia-Herzegovina, the central-most state in the former Yugoslav nation, is a melting pot of all the diverse Yugoslavian cultures.  Serbians, Croatians and Balkan Muslims each control their respective regions of Bosnia–a close association that has bred Read More

The 10-Day War

                                            25 JUNE-5 JULY 1991                                                THE 10-DAY WAR The culturally diverse and ethnically proud peoples of eastern Europe’s Balkan region have been subjected to domination for centuries.  Between 600-650 AD, Slavics from further east gained control, in particular, Yugoslavs moved into Serbia, Read More