Makin Raid

                                              17-18 AUGUST 1942                                                    MAKIN RAID As a diversion to the 10-day-old invasion of Guadalcanal, 222 men of the 2nd Marine Raider Battalion embarked on two submarines, USS NAUTILUS (SS-168) and USS ARGONAUT (SM-1), for a raid behind enemy lines.  Commanding the Read More


                                                11 AUGUST 1943                                                          U-604 By November 1941, Britain was hanging tenuously, her economy smothering at the hands of German U-boats.  And on the 16th of that month, Germany’s position got incrementally better with the launch of yet another U-boat, U-604, in Read More


                        9 FEBRUARY 2001                      GREENEVILLE COLLISION At 0800 local time this day, USS GREENEVILLE (SSN-772) departed Pearl Harbor carrying 14 corporate CEOs, a civilian sportswriter, and his wife for a submarine demonstration cruise as part of the Navy’s Distinguished Visitor Embarkation program.  Read More