The Marines in Mexico

                                                   16 JULY 1847                                        THE MARINES IN MEXICO The period between the War of 1812 and the Civil War could be called the “doldrums” of US Marine Corps history, suffering as they did from insufficient manning and even scantier funding.  The end Read More

USS WOODBURY and the Pastry War

                                             29 NOVEMBER 1838                            USS WOODBURY AND THE PASTRY WAR The Mexican Federalist War of 1835-41 pitted the aristocratic Centralist Mexican rulers against the federalist peasantry of the provinces.  Foreign businessmen in Mexico who suffered collateral damages from Centralist Mexican Army operations Read More

Fort Stockton, San Diego

                        23 NOVEMBER 1846                     FORT STOCKTON, SAN DIEGO On the morning of 29 July 1846, the sloop USS CYANE, 20, dropped anchor in the quiet Mexican harbor of San Diego, whose peacefulness belied the war then raging between the US and Mexico.  Read More