Dark Day at Bull Run (cont.)

                                                   21 JULY 1861                                   DARK DAY AT BULL RUN (cont.) Exploding Union shrapnel ripped through the Henry house striking  udith Henry in the neck and flank and nearly amputating her foot.  Her daughter, Ellen, had taken refuge within the fireplace and was Read More

Dark Day at Bull Run

                                                   21 JULY 1861                                         DARK DAY AT BULL RUN North and South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Tennessee, Georgia, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Virginia had all seceded from the United States and established their capital in Richmond.  US Army installations in the disputed Read More

The Marines in Mexico

                                                   16 JULY 1847                                        THE MARINES IN MEXICO The period between the War of 1812 and the Civil War could be called the “doldrums” of US Marine Corps history, suffering as they did from insufficient manning and even scantier funding.  The end Read More

Washington Starts a War (cont.)

                                                   28 MAY 1754                               WASHINGTON STARTS A WAR (cont.) (Now) LTC George Washington had no authority to do what he was about to do.  There had been no declaration of war between France and England, nor did Washington’s orders require him to Read More

Washington Starts a War

                                                   28 MAY 1754                                     WASHINGTON STARTS A WAR We know it as the French and Indian War, in Europe it was the Seven Years War between England and France.  The war ignited in western Pennsylvania with control of North America as the Read More

Action at the Pearl River Forts

                                           15-22 NOVEMBER 1856                              ACTION AT THE PEARL RIVER FORTS By the mid-19th century, most western nations had established commercial enterprises in China.  China was, at the time, internally fractionated and militarily weak, and England, in particular, exploited this situation to compel Read More

John Brown’s Raid

                                            16-18 OCTOBER 1859                                             JOHN BROWN’S RAID From the 1830s, the American public became increasingly polarized over the issue of slavery.  Violence erupted for the first time in Alton, Illinois, in November 1837, when an angry mob raided the home of Elijah Read More

“From the Halls of Montezuma…” (cont.)

                                             13 SEPTEMBER 1847                        “FROM THE HALLS OF MONTEZUMA…” (cont.) Meanwhile, a diversion created by Quitman’s troops allowed a second Army division under MGEN Gideon J. Pillow to carry the lower walls of Chapultepec from the west.  And, to the south, Quitman’s Read More

“From the Halls of Montezuma…”

                                             13 SEPTEMBER 1847                             “FROM THE HALLS OF MONTEZUMA…” By this date in the 17-month-old war with Mexico, the United States had gained control of California from San Francisco to Los Cabos in southern Baja.  But complete victory in the war required Read More

Saltonstall at Penobscot (cont. from 25 JUL)

                                                19 JULY-17 AUGUST 1779                                    SALTONSTALL AT PENOBSCOT Four hundred Continental and colonial Marines led the numerically superior American assault, clamoring up the cliff to within 600 yards of the fort.  But here they came within range of the three small Read More