USS DECATUR vs. The Indians

                                            27-28 OCTOBER 1855                                       USS DECATUR vs. The Indians The Oregon Treaty with England in 1846 deeded that portion of British Columbia south of the 49th parallel to the United States–the area that would become our States of Washington and Oregon. Settlers Read More

The Charge Up Coyotepe

                                              2-4 OCTOBER 1912                                      THE CHARGE UP COYOTEPE The US Marines had been in Nicaragua off and on since December 1909, each time to quell civil unrest and prop-up conservative pro-American governments.  In this latest foray, the administration of Adolfo Díaz had Read More

Operation “Deliberate Force”

                                  30 AUGUST-20 SEPTEMBER 1995                                 OPERATION “DELIBERATE FORCE” The Balkan cease fire brokered by former President Jimmy Carter in 1994 had failed.  United Nations’ efforts at peacekeeping in the war-torn former Yugoslavian republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina had given way to NATO and its Read More

Makin Raid

                                              17-18 AUGUST 1942                                                    MAKIN RAID As a diversion to the 10-day-old invasion of Guadalcanal, 222 men of the 2nd Marine Raider Battalion embarked on two submarines, USS NAUTILUS (SS-168) and USS ARGONAUT (SM-1), for a raid behind enemy lines.  Commanding the Read More

Nelson’s Arm

                                                 22-25 JULY 1797                                                 NELSON’S ARM The Treaty of Lldefonso on 19 August 1796 allied Spain with France in Napoleon’s war against England.  Now the combined French/Spanish navies of 38 ships-of-the-line threatened England’s Royal Navy’s control of the seas.  A February 1797 Read More

Nelson’s Eye

                                                   12 JULY 1794                                                  NELSON’S EYE The French Revolution in 1789 shocked the rest of Europe as existing monarchies feared the spread of republicanism.  Dread intensified as the “Reign of Terror” unfolded, and French King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, prisoners in Read More

The Trouble in Bosnia

                                                  1992-PRESENT                                         THE TROUBLE IN BOSNIA Bosnia-Herzegovina, the central-most state in the former Yugoslav nation, is a melting pot of all the diverse Yugoslavian cultures.  Serbians, Croatians and Balkan Muslims each control their respective regions of Bosnia–a close association that has bred Read More

The 10-Day War

                                            25 JUNE-5 JULY 1991                                                THE 10-DAY WAR The culturally diverse and ethnically proud peoples of eastern Europe’s Balkan region have been subjected to domination for centuries.  Between 600-650 AD, Slavics from further east gained control, in particular, Yugoslavs moved into Serbia, Read More

“Blood is Thicker Than Water”

                                                                                25 JUNE 1859                                “BLOOD IS THICKER THAN WATER” During the first half of the 19th century several Western nations, particularly England and France, opened trade with China.  Several, including the United States, maintained naval forces in the region to protect Read More

Battle of Cuzco Well

                                                   14 JUNE 1898                                         BATTLE OF CUZCO WELL On this morning, LCOL Robert W. Huntington dispatched CPT George Fielding Elliott with two rifle companies and 50 Cuban scouts on a 6-mile circuitous march along the shore to the Cuzco Well.  They were Read More