Penobscot Expedition

                                                  19 JULY-17 AUGUST 1779                                         PENOBSCOT EXPEDITION The land stretching northeast from the Kennebec River in modern Maine (location of Augusta) to New Brunswick was contested by France and England for a century.  Then with the British victory in the French Read More

USS BEAGLE and GREYHOUND (cont. from 11 JUL)

                                                   200th ANNIVERSARY                                                  21-22 JULY 1823                     USS BEAGLE AND GREYHOUND (cont. from 11 JUL) The demise of Diabolito ten days earlier did not bring piracy along the coast of Spanish Cuba to an end.  Far from it.  Piracy remained rampant Read More

The First Battle of Quallah Battoo

                       5-7 FEBRUARY 1832                THE FIRST BATTLE OF QUALLAH BATTOO His trading mission scrubbed, Captain Charles Endicott refitted Friendship for sea and departed 4 March 1831 for Salem.  His landfall on 16 July was preceded several days by the arrival of another Read More

Friendship and the Sumatran Pirates

                      EARLY FEBRUARY 1831               FRIENDSHIP AND THE SUMATRAN PIRATES Salem, Massachusetts, was one of our busiest seaports in the early days of our young nation.  In fact, it was the major port through which the American spice trade was conducted.  About the Read More

Bulls Island Incident (cont.)

                       30-31 JANUARY 1863                   BULLS ISLAND INCIDENT (cont.) The morning of 31 January roused CAPT Charles T. Haskell’s Confederates from their rest at the Gibbes house and greeted the arrival of 50 Confederate reinforcements from Fort Moultrie.  Suspecting FLAMBEAU would send a Read More

Bulls Island Incident

                       30-31 JANUARY 1863                       BULLS ISLAND INCIDENT Bull Island is a low coastal island 10 miles north of Charleston Harbor separated from the mainland by the Intercoastal Waterway.  Today a national wildlife refuge, in antebellum times it was owned by a family Read More

USS DECATUR vs. The Indians

                                            27-28 OCTOBER 1855                                       USS DECATUR vs. The Indians The Oregon Treaty with England in 1846 deeded that portion of British Columbia south of the 49th parallel to the United States–the area that would become our States of Washington and Oregon. Settlers Read More

The Charge Up Coyotepe

                                              2-4 OCTOBER 1912                                      THE CHARGE UP COYOTEPE The US Marines had been in Nicaragua off and on since December 1909, each time to quell civil unrest and prop-up conservative pro-American governments.  In this latest foray, the administration of Adolfo Díaz had Read More