USS SHARK vs. Caroline

                        10 NOVEMBER 1822                      USS SHARK VS. Caroline Officially, the US government banned American participation in the African slave trade in 1808, although enforcement was not attempted until our Navy began patrolling off West Africa in 1820. Two years later those patrols Read More

RADM George Brown

                                     TODAY IN NAVAL HISTORY                                               4 SEPTEMBER 1887                                          RADM GEORGE BROWN On the moonless night of 14-15 February 1863, 27-year-old LCDR George Brown of the Union Navy’s Mississippi River Squadron took the sidewheel ironclad gunboat USS INDIANOLA south toward Vicksburg.  His Read More

ST. NICHOLAS Hijacking

                                                 28-29 JUNE 1861                                        ST. NICHOLAS HIGHJACKING At 1600 on Friday, June 28th, the civilian steam packet St. Nicholas left Baltimore on her regular run to three stops in the District of Columbia.  She carried her usual fare of freight as well Read More

“Blood is Thicker Than Water”

                                                                                25 JUNE 1859                                “BLOOD IS THICKER THAN WATER” During the first half of the 19th century several Western nations, particularly England and France, opened trade with China.  Several, including the United States, maintained naval forces in the region to protect Read More

Prelude to the War of 1812

                                                   15 MAY 1812                                    PRELUDE TO THE WAR OF 1812 At the turn of the 19th century the territory that is now Florida was Spanish.  This fact was of no reassurance to the administration of President James Madison in 1811.  Spain was Read More

The Gunboat Navy

                        28 FEBRUARY 1803                         THE GUNBOAT NAVY “We are sacrificing everything to navigation and a Navy,” was candidate Thomas Jefferson’s slogan in the presidential election campaign of 1799-1800.  Jefferson was an agrarian Southerner, distrustful of New England merchants and skeptical of our Read More


                               1 FEBRUARY 1855                              WATER WITCH INCIDENT Our Navy launched a series of geographical explorations in the 19th century, focusing in part on South and Central America.  Here, the US had both strategic interests, in terms of the Monroe Doctrine prohibiting European Read More