The Yazoo City Shipyard

                                                 18-20 MAY 1863                                      THE YAZOO CITY SHIPYARD After the failure of the Yazoo Pass expedition before Confederate Fort Pemberton in March 1863, MGEN Ulysses Grant adopted a new strategy against Vicksburg, the last and most menacing Rebel city preventing Union control Read More

Stafford vs. Manchen

                                                29-30 APRIL 1945                                         STAFFORD vs. MANCHEN Convoy KN-382 coursed its way slowly north from Key West to New York, this night reaching a position 98 miles east of Cape Henry.  The long war looked to be winding down, at least in Read More

Skirmish at Fort Lowry

                                                 13 MARCH 1865                                       SKIRMISH AT FORT LOWRY We are familiar with inspiring stories of epic battles and heroic sailors, but the day-to-day operations of Civil War gunboats were often less dramatic. The Potomac Flotilla, tasked with protecting Washington, DC, and the Read More

Battle of Elizabeth City (cont. from 8 FEB)

                                           10-11 FEBRUARY 1862                       BATTLE OF ELIZABETH CITY (cont. from 8 FEB) Union forces from the North Atlantic Blockading Squadron had driven a Confederate “mosquito fleet” from Roanoke Island, and at 1430 on the afternoon of February 9th, CDR Stephen C. Rowan Read More

Capture of Roanoke Island

                                             7-8 FEBRUARY 1862                                   CAPTURE OF ROANOKE ISLAND Fortress Monroe, situated at the entrance to Hampton Roads, was one of three forts south of the Mason-Dixon Line that remained in Union hands throughout the Civil War.  Confederate lines of communication were thus Read More

PT-31 (cont. from 19 Jan)

                                            19-20 JANUARY 1942                                                           PT-31 Matters had run afoul for LT Edward G. DeLong and the 12-man crew of PT-31 soon after splitting company with PT-34.  The fuel strainers of his wing engines clogged, and the center engine failed shortly with an Read More

Action in Subic Bay

                                            18–19 JANUARY 1942                                           ACTION IN SUBIC BAY The first five weeks of our involvement in World War II found US forces battling a Japanese onslaught in the Philippines.  On Luzon we were pushed farther and farther down the Bataan Peninsula, cut Read More

ISABEL’s Secret Sortie

                                              3 DECEMBER 1941                                         ISABEL’S SECRET SORTIE The 245-foot USS ISABEL (PY-10) was left over from WWI, built in 1917 to be the personal yacht of millionaire John North Willys (of Willys jeep fame).  She had been requisitioned on the ways by Read More

Action at the Pearl River Forts

                                           15-22 NOVEMBER 1856                              ACTION AT THE PEARL RIVER FORTS By the mid-19th century, most western nations had established commercial enterprises in China.  China was, at the time, internally fractionated and militarily weak, and England, in particular, exploited this situation to compel Read More

Convoy RB-1

                                          21-30 SEPTEMBER 1942                                                   CONVOY RB-1 In the decades before practical automobile transportation, Americans traveling between cities of the eastern United States often did so by way of intercoastal steamer.  Numerous private steamship companies offered passenger service on 200-400-foot, shallow draft screw Read More