15 MARCH 1910                                                       USS NINÀ The expansion of our fleet during the Civil War necessitated a supporting infrastructure that included a variety of yard craft.  In the latter years of that war, our Navy contracted for the construction of nine iron Read More

The First Forty-Niners

                                              28 FEBRUARY 1849                                        THE FIRST FORTY-NINERS In the frosty chill of the morning of 24 January 1848, a millwright named James T. Marshall walked the length of a newly dug millrace off the American River in the foothills of California’s Sierra Read More

The Peterhof Affair

                                              25 FEBRUARY 1863                                           THE PETERHOF AFFAIR The Union Navy’s blockade of the Confederacy during the Civil War yielded quite a few captures.  In disposing of these ships and their cargoes, there emerged a controversy over what to do with the mail Read More

Bulls Island Incident (cont.)

                       30-31 JANUARY 1863                   BULLS ISLAND INCIDENT (cont.) The morning of 31 January roused CAPT Charles T. Haskell’s Confederates from their rest at the Gibbes house and greeted the arrival of 50 Confederate reinforcements from Fort Moultrie.  Suspecting FLAMBEAU would send a Read More

Bulls Island Incident

                       30-31 JANUARY 1863                       BULLS ISLAND INCIDENT Bull Island is a low coastal island 10 miles north of Charleston Harbor separated from the mainland by the Intercoastal Waterway.  Today a national wildlife refuge, in antebellum times it was owned by a family Read More

RADM George Brown

                                     TODAY IN NAVAL HISTORY                                               4 SEPTEMBER 1887                                          RADM GEORGE BROWN On the moonless night of 14-15 February 1863, 27-year-old LCDR George Brown of the Union Navy’s Mississippi River Squadron took the sidewheel ironclad gunboat USS INDIANOLA south toward Vicksburg.  His Read More

Confederate Privateer PETREL

                                                   28 JULY 1861                                CONFEDERATE PRIVATEER PETREL When South Carolina seceded from the Union on 20 December 1860, the State’s officials seized Federal property including the US Revenue Cutter Service schooner WILLIAM AIKEN, 2, who had operated out of Charleston since 1855.  Read More

ST. NICHOLAS Hijacking

                                                 28-29 JUNE 1861                                        ST. NICHOLAS HIGHJACKING At 1600 on Friday, June 28th, the civilian steam packet St. Nicholas left Baltimore on her regular run to three stops in the District of Columbia.  She carried her usual fare of freight as well Read More