Lost H-Bomb

                                                   7 APRIL 1966                                                   LOST H-BOMB Considering the pace of Cold War activities in the 1960s, accidents were bound to happen.  Such was the case on 17 January 1966 when an Air Force B-52 collided with a KC-135 tanker during an aerial Read More

Navy Icebreakers

                                                  7 MARCH 1960                                             NAVY ICEBREAKERS The 1950s was a decade of scientific endeavor in such far reaching environments as outer space, the deep ocean, and Antarctica.  With respect to the latter, the US Navy cooperated with the International Geophysical Year 1955 Read More

Trouble at Lockwood Folly Inlet

                                               11 JANUARY 1863                            TROUBLE AT LOCKWOOD FOLLY INLET Lockwood Folly Inlet is a two-mile-wide break in the North Carolina coast south of Cape Fear.  It provides access to the Intercoastal Waterway and the Lockwood Folly River.  Its sand bars shift, making Read More


                                             22 NOVEMBER 1941                                    HMS DEVONSHIRE vs. ATLANTIS One of the Royal Navy’s early successes in WWII was the effort against German surface raiders.  Indeed, KMS ATLANTIS had accumulated some impressive statistics by November 1941.  Converted from the former freighter SS Goldenfels, Read More

Convoy RB-1

                                          21-30 SEPTEMBER 1942                                                   CONVOY RB-1 In the decades before practical automobile transportation, Americans traveling between cities of the eastern United States often did so by way of intercoastal steamer.  Numerous private steamship companies offered passenger service on 200-400-foot, shallow draft screw Read More


                                                 15 MARCH 1910                                                       USS NINĂ€ The expansion of our fleet during the Civil War necessitated a supporting infrastructure that included a variety of yard craft.  In the latter years of that war, our Navy contracted for the construction of nine iron Read More