Baghdad Missile Attack

                                                   26 JUNE 1993                                      BAGHDAD MISSILE ATTACK The decade following Operation “Desert Storm” was marked by Iraqi frustration over continuing United Nations sanctions and Coalition policing.  Then seemingly to rub salt in Iraq’s wounds, on 14 April 1993 a specially chartered Kuwait Read More

Billy Mitchell’s Coup

                                            21 JUNE-21 JULY 1921                                         BILLY MITCHELL’S COUP As an early advocate of air power, one of Army Air Service BGEN William “Billy” Mitchell’s loud proclamations was the invincibility of his aircraft over any Navy ship.  His assertion was one of several Read More

NAS Sigonella

                                                   15 JUNE 1959                                                 NAS SIGONELLA After World War II, Americans found it impossible to return to the isolation from European events we had enjoyed since our Revolution.  The vast Atlantic and Pacific Oceans no longer presented obstacles to an attacker, and Read More

Controversial Silver Star

                                                    9 JUNE 1942                                   CONTROVERSIAL SILVER STAR This dawn saw eleven Army Air Corps Martin B-26 Marauder bombers of the Army Air Corps 22nd Bomb Group waiting on the runway at Port Moresby, New Guinea.  They were one of three squadrons on Read More

The Sacrifice of VT-8

                                                    4 JUNE 1942                                          THE SACRIFICE OF VT-8 Torpedo Squadron 8 (VT-8) from HORNET (CV-8) flew an early version of the TBD Devastator.  A three-seater, behind the pilot a navigator/radioman sat ahead of a rear-most gunner operating the only defensive weapon, a Read More