Operation “Silver Wake”

                        13-26 MARCH 1997

                    OPERATION “SILVER WAKE”

Against the backdrop of Saddam Hussein’s continued recalcitrance in Iraq, and the discord in Bosnia-Herzagovinia, the Adriatic coastal nation of Albania experienced a financial collapse in early 1997 that brought anarchy to that nation.  On March 13th American ambassador Mirisma Lino requested assistance in securing the embassy and evacuating those caught up in the danger.  Out of concern for the 1800 US citizens then in Albania, President William J. Clinton acted.  The 2200 Marines of the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, Special Operations Capable (MEU-SOC), who had been standing as a reserve for Bosnia aboard an Amphibious Ready Group composed of USS NASSAU (LHA-4), NASHVILLE (LPD-13), PENSACOLA (LSD-38) and RAMAGE (DDG-56), were ordered to Tirana, the Albanian capital.

That same day CH-46 and CH-53 helicopters landed at the embassy compound and began a non-combatant evacuation operation (NEO).  Fifty-one were brought out the first day.  About 170 Marines, including a rifle company, secured the embassy compound and a housing area about a half mile distant.  Pesky 14.5mm gunfire and shoulder-fired SAMs plagued the operation the following day until an AH-1 Cobra helicopter gunship took out a lone Albanian national responsible for the aggression.  Three hundred and fifty-seven were brought out the second day.  They were processed aboard Nashville then transferred to Brindisi, Italy, for repatriation.  Ultimately 400 American citizens were evacuated from Albania, about a quarter of those known to be in-country.  Some 477 third country nationals were concurrently evacuated, bringing the total whisked to safety to 877.

Meanwhile, ashore, CPL Daniel Bush of the 1st Battalion, 8th Marines carried out his duty in guarding the embassy.  From a bunker dug into the ground, he watched the embassy perimeter until, with a dull “thud,” the bunker collapsed.  Nearly two tons of debris fell on CPL Bush, who was trapped and severely injured.  Bush required eight months of recuperation at a Cleveland, Ohio, hospital, and was ultimately retired for medical reasons.  He was awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, the Humanitarian Service Medal, and the Armed Services Medal for his actions in support of Operation “Silver Wake.”  He went to work afterward for the Broome County Veterans Service Organization, bringing benefits to hundreds of deserving veterans.

On this day, USMC LGEN Peter Pace of the Joint Chiefs of Staff announced that the evacuation phase of Operation “Silver Wake” was complete.  A contingent of US Marines remained in Tirana until 29 April when a fleet anti-terrorist unit arrived to take over the embassy security mission. 

Watch for more “Today in Naval History”  31 MAR 22

CAPT James Bloom, Ret.

DoD News Briefing.  Friday March 14, 1997.  AT:  www.defenselink.mil/transcripts/1997/t031497_t0314pac.html, retrieved 15 April 2006.

“Operation Silver Wake.”  AT:  www.specialoperations.com/Operations  /silver.html, retrieved 16 April 2006.

“NYS Senate Veterans Hall of Fame, Daniel Bush.”  AT:  www.senate.state.ny.us/sws/vethallfame/bush.html, retrieved 16 April 2006.

Sweetman, Jack.  American Naval History:  An Illustrated Chronology of the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps, 1775-Present, 3rd ed.  Annapolis, MD: USNI Press, 2002, p. 299.

US DoD News release 139-97, 26 March 1997.  “U.S. Evacuation Operations in Albania Completed.”  AT: www.defenselink.mil/releases/1997/b032797_bt139-97.html, retrieved 16 April 2006.

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